What We Do

We love to visit churches to share about the ministry and to invite others to join us by praying, giving, or going. Invite us to speak at any church event, including:
missions conference
prayer breakfasts
Sunday School
Sunday evening service
Mid-Week Bible studies
community groups
vacation Bible schools
Speaker for Church Events

Training and Team Building
We gladly offer a variety of training opportunities both at the warehouse and at churches across the region. Ranging from just a few minutes to multiple days, we include topics such as an introduction to disaster response ministry, why we do disaster response, the role of a site manager, and more. Our most popular topic is 18 Ways to Get Involved in Disaster Response Ministry. More advanced training sessions include site manager training, chainsaw safety, and skid steer loader operation. If your church wishes to set up a disaster response team, we will assist you in that effort.

Disaster Coordination
When disasters strike within the TAG Region, we start reaching out to churches in the impacted area to see how we can best support your recovery and outreach to your community.
It is important that we have cell phone contact information for all churches in the region. Please complete the form at this link to share your contact information with us.
Contact Mike Kennamer with any questions or comments.